I’m Published! My Article in Running Junction Magazine

Running Junction Logo

Great news, I am now a regular writer for the quarterly magazine Running Junction! My segment is all about trail running, and I couldn’t be more excited. The magazine is funded by Junction 311 Endurance Sports. They create running events and take a portion of the proceeds and donate to various charities. They are a great organization that always supports a great cause! So if you would like to see my first officially published article, click here: My “Watershed” Moment

Please have a read and provide any feedback, I am always looking to improve what I do!

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For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene  YouTube: Joe Runner

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments section BELOW and we can have a discussion!

Randene Rant! I Can’t Give It Away!

Stop Bullying

Look, I need help. This is going to sound crazy, but I am trying to partner with a charitable organization, any charitable organization, that is doing work regarding bullying and/or cyber bullying. I have reached out to several organizations via e-mail and explained that I am looking to become an ambassador for the cause, and every single one that has responded, has responded no. And those are the ones that have responded. Some haven’t even replied!

Let me be clear what I am offering. I am willing to do any or all of the following:

  • Donate my own money
  • Donate my time (speaking, organizing, fundraising, etc.)
  • Fundraise via my racing, my future merchandise, and my future virtual races
  • Wear the organization’s gear during my runs to help spread the message
  • Blog, Vlog, and use my various social media
  • Anything else that is within reason

What I would like in return is fairly straight forward and simple, I think. I would like to be an official ambassador so that I can use the organizations logo for marketing and possibly have some support to help with my fundraising efforts and any potential events where I can volunteer or speak. It seems to me that if I was an official partner of an organization, they would be able to point me in the right direction for these types of events. This would help me to be much more effective in my charitable efforts as the logistics piece will take much less time with their support. That would allow me to focus on my training for events like the Devil Dog Ultras, where I will leverage the event in to fundraising. I am a runner, not a professional organizer.

So, I am asking if anyone reading this either works for an organization, or knows someone who works for an organization, that is trying to address bullying and wants to partner with a bad ass, high frequency, ultra-running, fund raising machine? If you do, please help me connect. My e-mail is joe.randene@joerandene.com and I am locked and ready to go.

There are way too many instances of bullying and cyber bullying that are leading to people who are stressed out, depressed, and in worst case scenarios suicidal. At this point in our history, you would hope that we would all know better and that we would treat each other with kindness and respect. However, lately I have observed many instances where it has been just the opposite. Bullies have been emboldened by our politicians (unfortunately) and the anonymity that the internet provides. And all too often the targets of these types of attacks are children and people that may be considered “different” based on traits ranging from sexual preference to something as simple as the clothes that they wear. It’s time to help create an environment of acceptance and love and I want to do my part. HELP ME PLEASE!


Joe the Runner

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For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene  YouTube: Joe Runner

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments section BELOW and we can have a discussion!

Joe the Runner Interview on Sany Delight’s Blog


Sany Delight is a social media personality and Chicago foodie that I met via FitBit. She was attempting her first marathon and we struck up a conversation and I offered to help her with her training and nutrition. We have become friends and I am proud to say that Sany completed the Chicago Marathon!

She has profiled me on her blog asking questions such as “Why is running such a large part of your life?” and “What advice do you have for those that hate running? How do you get someone from disliking running to actually enjoying it?” and many more! Please click here to read the profile and enjoy! Thanks Sany!!! And if you want to see some great food, check out her Instagram!

I hope that this post and this blog helps! To receive new post notifications, newsletters, and post previews, please SUBSCRIBE!

For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene  YouTube: Joe Runner

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments section BELOW and we can have a discussion!

I Hate the Dreadmill! But…


I’m an optimist by nature. Where people see challenge, I see opportunity. Where people see the ugly in the world, I choose to focus on the beauty. Deep inside I know that there is more good than bad, and that we are lucky to be alive at this point and time in history, and that the next generation will be better than ours. BUT, I cannot seem to embrace the treadmill. Running and going nowhere just doesn’t appeal to me. I’ll run in rain, snow, heat, ANYTHING to avoid it. When it comes to the treadmill, I am a hater and, dare I say, a pessimist. Yuck!

So, when one of my followers asked me if I thought they could train, almost exclusively, on a treadmill, and be effective, I had to put that all aside and be objective. As much as I hate the dreadmill, it is still a great tool that should be in any runner’s toolbox. The reason that I say that, is that there are many pros to the treadmill despite the boredom and monotony of feeling like a hamster on a wheel, and there are ways to cope with the negatives, such as listening to music, watching TV, or varying your workout. Let’s dive into those positives.

Convenience – If you have a treadmill in your home, or at a hotel where you are staying, it definitely makes it easy to squeeze a run in no matter the time of day. And if you are at the gym, you can easily do cardio and cross train. I often use the treadmill when I travel if I don’t have a lot of free time and need to sneak in a run.

Safety – As the days get shorter, more of us runners are forced to run in the dark, which can be dangerous for many reasons. We struggle to see the terrain which can cause falls, and drivers struggle to see us! And, unfortunately, women have the added risk of assault during their solo runs as well. All of these risks are mitigated via the treadmill.

Control of Your Workout – When running on a treadmill, you can control your pace, your incline, and your decline. You literally can cater a workout to your specific needs and ensure that you hit it all by just pushing buttons.

Control of Your Climate – Whether it’s hot outside or cold outside, rainy or sunny, you can control the climate and get your run in. Trust me, I understand that eliminating the elements can actually be a con, especially when you go to race and the weather is bad, but a question that someone asked me regarding training with lupus got me doing some research and really opened my eyes to something. Many illnesses, including lupus, are impacted by heat, uv rays, cold, etc. And people that are training through these issues can really benefit from climate control. So instead of losing valuable training miles due to variables that are out of their control, the treadmill is very often the perfect solution for them.

Despite the fact that I prefer the trails and all of the beauty that they possess, my conclusion is that you can train, almost exclusively, on a treadmill, and achieve your running goals. My opinion is that, just like any training plan, you need to build your workouts with intention. Every run should have a purpose with clear goals, and you should run consistently, ensuring that you are building your cardiovascular fitness. If your race has uphills and downhills, replicate those during some of your sessions. And while the treadmill will never replicate all of the variety of running outdoors, you can achieve a high level of fitness using one, and show up on race day with confidence.

I hope that this post and this blog helps! To receive new post notifications, newsletters, and post previews, please SUBSCRIBE!

For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene  YouTube: Joe Runner

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments section BELOW and we can have a discussion!