15 Underappreciated Work Out Songs

White Limo – Foo Fighters

What’s the Frequency Kenneth – REM

Going the Distance – Bill Conti

Take Me Out – Atomic Tom

Like I Roll – Black Stone Cherry

Black Skinhead – Kanye West

Float On – Modest Mouse

Sabotage – Beastie Boys

I Wanna Be Sedated – Ramones

Anna Sun – Walk the Moon

One Vision – Queen

I’m Shipping Up to Boston – Dropkick Murphy’s

Tick Tick Boom – The Hives

Last Breath – Future

Shining – DJ Khaled

Follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner to see behind the scenes photos and comments on training and everyday life.

Click here to see my Guilty Pleasure Play List.

Add your underappreciated workout songs in the comments section below!

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3 Bullsh*t Myths Stopping Your Weight Loss

If you do not eat anything after 7pm you’ll lose weight.

I’ve heard this a thousand times, and it is simply not true! What you eat and do the rest of the day matters, there is no magic here. If you have acid reflux, this is good advice, or if you do not digest well, doing this may help you sleep better, but if all you do is stop eating at 7pm everyday without looking at your entire day of eating and activities, you will be very disappointed with the result, or lack there of.

Super foods.

This term has become all the rage recently and it is complete crap. “Kale is the new super food.” “Turmeric is the new super food.” There are foods that are good for you and there are foods that do not have a whole lot of nutritional value. Unfortunately these are the foods that usually have the most calories too! Regardless, if you were to maintain all of your unhealthy habits but eat these “super” foods, you will just gain more weight! Even “super” foods have calories. Don’t get me wrong, kale is good for you, but it is not mystical or “super”! You need a comprehensive approach to your nutrition. For a quick start read: “Lose Weight Without Being Hungry”.

My Metabolism is Slow.

If you have been diagnosed by a doctor for a condition and have been prescribed medication, you are off the hook. For the other 99.5% of us, stop lying to yourself! You do not have slow metabolism. In fact, the bigger you are, the higher your metabolism is. Coach Jose Rodriguez from APE Shape Fitness said to me during our interview “I get the genetic thing a lot. What you inherited is the lifestyle choices of your parents. Genetics does not pay as big of a role as we’d like to believe it does. Its basic physics, if you are 300 pounds it will take more energy to walk a block than someone who is 100 pounds, therefore the 300 pound person actually has a higher metabolism.”

Losing weight is very simple, NOT EASY; simple. You need to create a calorie deficit. There are two levers you can pull to do this. One is to burn more calories and the second is to eat less calories. I suggest you work them in tandem with a balanced approach. Increase your calorie burn with exercise and limit your calorie intake by eating foods that have low calorie density. We all know which foods they are: vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lean meats and fish. Coach Jose does a great job helping people with this approach and is offering a 50% discount on his introductory package for anyone who mentions my blog when they sign up for on-line coaching.

If it sounds too good to be true, it is. But you can lose weight if you make the right choices consistently. Remember, you’re not alone, we are here to help!

To see behind the scenes training photos and activities follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner

Read Coach Jose’s incredible story: “From 120 Pounds Overweight to MMA Champion”

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10 Ways to Improve Your Life Immediately

“It’s never a waste of time or money to invest in yourself, no matter the source.” – William Merrick

10 Ways to Improve Your Life Immediately

  • Read biographies.
  • Write down one S.M.A.R.T. goal. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely)
  • Schedule ten minutes today to just think.
  • Forgive someone. Thank someone. Help someone.
  • Go outside and walk for 20 minutes.
  • Throw something away. Better yet, if it is still in good condition, give it away.
  • Have a cup of coffee with someone you care about.
  • Don’t buy anything today.
  • Read only the stories with positive headlines. (This is very hard to do!)
  • Find a mentor.

This costs less than $10 and if you have the coffee already, it can cost as little as ZERO dollars. Even if you just do two or three of these things, you will see an immediate improvement. And if you do these things consistently each day, the returns compound exponentially!

Let me know if I missed any, I’m sure that I have, in the comments section.

Follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments box and we can have a discussion!


Mission Statement (Post 7)

Surfing around Instagram the other day, I came across this little bit of wisdom: “If someone ever tells you that you are putting too much peanut-butter on your bread, stop talking to them. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.” Can I get an “Amen!”? Everything on the internet seems to be negative right down to the way people treat each other in the comments section. Why are people so quick to push people down instead of lifting them up? I understand that no one clicks on a headline that says “Man Went to Work Today, Kissed His Wife, and Then Played with His Kids”. But THAT’s the kind of story I want people to read. Well maybe not that boring, but positive!

Everyday I come in to contact with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Some examples are already posts on this blog, but other examples of people that I know are as follows:

  • A couple that decided to open their own business despite having successful careers
  • A teenager that decided to give a TEDx talk
  • A young person that decided to bungee jump for the first time
  • A woman who started her own record label while still in university
  • People who have stepped up to the challenge of parenting someone who is not their own child
  • Friends that are living DESPITE terrible diseases or injuries, refusing to let the disease define them
  • Kids that made decisions that impacted their entire life, that quite frankly, no kid should have to make

I even know this one guy who just up and started a blog because he was sick and tired of all of the negativity in the world. (Wink, wink!) This world is a beautiful place, with beautiful people, lets hear about some of that for a change. So, here is my mission and my vision.

“Our mission is to help people realize that they are capable of more than they think by creating a global community where people share their stories and provide support to each other on their journeys.” No one is allowed to tell anyone else that they are putting too much peanut-butter on their sandwich!

The way that I envision making this happen is right there in the mission statement. I want to create a global community, and to do that I really need your help. This blog is only going to be as good as its readers and participants. To create this global community, I need people to subscribe. It only takes a minute or two. You put your e-mail address in and then you will get a link sent to you that you need to click on to confirm your subscription. This step is to make sure you are a human being. That’s it. Done.

Why do I need you to subscribe? Well, the first reason is that you will get notified each time there is a new blog post, so you won’t miss any of the inspiring stories. (I try to be funny when I can, but the jury is still out on that one.) Secondly, when you are a subscriber and after I have approved one of your posts, you are then part of the community. You can leave comments and join discussions freely! And that is where the magic will happen. For our community to share ideas and provide support; there needs to BE a community! Who knows, I may even reach out to you to share your story! If all I write about is me, you will all get bored. In fact, I will get bored! I know me pretty good and I’m not that great!

Finally, have you ever wanted to be a part of something before it blew up? “I was part of “Facebook” when it was still “the Facebook”.” Well; here’s your chance! The blog is six days old and we have had 302 unique visitors from over 15 countries already. If things go well today, we will celebrate our 1000th hit! So jump on the bandwagon and let’s blow this thing up together! I’m not asking you to be my friend on Facebook; I’m asking you to be my friend. Join the community and be inspired, inspire others, and we’ll have some laughs along the way!

Follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner

P.S. I will not share your e-mail address, or sell it, or perform any other mischievous deed with it. I PROMISE!

Thanks for reading, and if you like the content, subscribe!

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments box and we can have a discussion!