Nobody Does It

“Everyone always says follow your dreams and your passion, but nobody does it.” – Chris Mocko

I’ve started to write this post several times and stopped. I’m scared. This is scary stuff. I’m 47, with two kids in college, so I have responsibilities. Look, I am definitely not a rash guy, or what you would call a risk taker, but I am not afraid to do some things differently than most people if I feel it is an opportunity. We have run the numbers several times, and they work. So, I retired early. Not the kind of sitting in a rocking chair, playing bridge, and napping all day retired. No. This is about taking a shot at living my dream life. And where does it start? Working part time in a running store.

I want to build my life around my passion of running and I want to use the platform to raise awareness and money for the issue of bullying. The goal isn’t to make a bunch of money, it’s to make enough, and be really, really happy every day. Between working at the store, coaching, and running my investments, I think we can make it work. And that will leave me with time to train and do the charitable work that I have been wanting to do.

If this sounds crazy, remember, this is MY dream. And as scared as I am, I have been on cloud nine since I handed in my notice and made it official. To be clear, this is not about my unhappiness with my old career. I love the company that I worked for and I will be forever grateful for the people that I worked with and the opportunities that they provided. This is a true case of “It’s me, not you.” I simply do not want to wake up one day, a 65-year-old man, and have regrets. I want to take my shot.

Amazingly, my wife has been my biggest supporter. Or maybe a better way to say it is “OF COURSE, my wife has been my biggest supporter.” She has never let me down, and I couldn’t do this without her. In fact, most of my friends have been overwhelmingly supportive. There have been a few comments made about leaving my “safe job to work at a running store?” But that’s ok. You either get it or you don’t. This is not a choice for everyone.

The rules that society has laid out are pretty clear. Go to college, get married, buy a house, have kids, work until your 63 or so, and then retire when you are probably in the twilight of your life. Well, I did most of that stuff, but I want a little twist at the end. I don’t just want to work, I want to live. I want to live my life in a way that makes a difference, doing what I love with the people I love.

So, what have I been up to in 2018?

  • Ran the Bloody Massacre Relay Marathon with my friends and family
  • Became the “Trail Writer” for Running Junction Magazine
  • Paced a woman to her first successful 100-mile race
  • Partnering with Operation Warm Wishes and running the #owwrunagainstbullying campaign to raise awareness against bullying on Instagram
  • Retired as an executive to work part time at a running store
  • Became an ambassador for Runners High Herbals JOETHERUNNER10 for a 10% discount
  • Ran the Northern Trails Marathon and finished 12th overall, 11th male, and 4th in my age group
  • Started to officially coach people to help them reach their dreams and running goals
  • Training hard for the Devil Dog Ultras 100 Mile Race in December

Where will this all lead? I don’t know… but I am happy, and I feel like I am off to a pretty good start.

I hope that this post and this blog helps! To receive new post notifications, newsletters, and post previews, please SUBSCRIBE!

For behind the scenes photos and comments on my training and personal life, follow me on Instagram: joe_the_runner  Strava: Joe Randene  YouTube: Joe Runner

Questions, comments, feedback? Please leave them in the comments section BELOW and we can have a discussion!

18 Replies to “Nobody Does It”

  1. Joe, I Am So Proud Of You!! You have your priorities in your order; and I ask God to bless your efforts, as He has blessed your life. I can’t help but smile ? when I think I of you.

    1. Thanks Mom! I’ll take all of the prayers I can get. I am at peace with this decision and am looking forward to everything that will come my way. I am doing things and working with people, that fill my heart with joy every day! I love you. Joe

  2. I hope the stock market agrees with your dream. I know this is something you have contemplated a long time. You have a loving family on your side. No son can make a father more proud. I love you all very much & pray for your success.!

    1. Thanks Pop! I always try and make you proud. I have learned so much from you directly and indirectly, you have my respect not only as a father, but as a person. I love you. Joe

  3. You are off to a great start Joe! I am proud of you for living the dream, YOUR DREAM? (part 2) and for highlighting part 1 of the dream (your executive job) was equally valid and you loved it too—it did afford you with many opportunities and experiences including abroad…including living in Italy. You have accomplished so much this year. You do everything with great joy and great happiness. You make everything count. You bring out the greatness in everyone with whom you come into contact. Your story is inspiring and motivates me to makes sure I am the author of MY story and to write a great one, make every word count, make every run count, every step count. After meeting you, I no longer run for the challenge of it but for the love of it. It has become my passion. I will make sure I make and keep it a part of MY dream, in my way. Thanks Joe for giving us inspiration. Thanks for sharing your happiness, joy, courage, willingness to dream, to GO FOR IT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Yay Joe!!! ?✌?

    1. Rose, you have been an absolute blessing since the day that we crossed paths on FitBit. You, and people like you, are what makes me so happy and fulfilled. Every picture while I’m running and you see me smiling, it’s because I am running not only for myself, but all of the amazing people who have inspired me and who I have inspired back. I am just a normal guy, but I am capable of extraordinary things… just like you and every one who chooses to challenge themselves despite their fears. Bravery is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to do something anyway! I am proud of you and your journey as a runner, and I am proud to be your friend. Peace. Joe

    1. Meneika, thank you! I love what you’re doing and I cannot wait to celebrate your finishing the Marine Corp. Marathon! Your friend. Joe

  4. Joe I totally get it! I’m also married with three teenage sons at post primary school. Almost three years ago after over 33 years in banking I had reached a stage where I believed there was more to do in life. At the time my wife was working full time in teaching although she didn’t then have a permanent working contract. So with three dependent children the decision wasn’t taken lightly! You know what…I haven’t looked back once and enjoy a better quality of life now which includes my running as well as running my own grounds maintenance business. At the time it must’ve looked to the onlooker that my decision was madness but I and my wife had that inner peace that the path I had chosen was the right one and like your wife my wife was and has been totally supportive. So go for it live your dream!! Congratulations!! Yours in Strava! Jim Young

    1. Thanks Jim, it helps to hear positive stories from people who have done something similar! I hope your back heals quickly and you can get back to chasing PRs! Peace. Joe

  5. Joe, I’ve known you were one awesome guy from the time we first “met” through Fitbit. I totally respect your decision to retire from your corporate job and pursue your passion. It oozes in every blog you write and every picture or vlog you post.

    I fully support your decision and am thrilled for you and your family. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I can relate to what you have done, as I made a similar decision to leave a high paying corporate job over 20 years ago to enroll in Seminary and pursue ministry at in my early 40s.

    In my case, God opened doors for me to use my business skills within my denomination while also pursing pastoral ministry. You have a gift for inspiring, encouraging and supporting others that is clearly opening doors for you at many levels as you pursue your passion for running.

    I look forward more than ever to the time we will get to meet in person and go for a run. God bless you my friend!
    [NOTE: had a typo on my email address on previous post]

    1. Ron, what can I say? I am completely humbled. It is people like you that give me hope, that the world has more good in it than bad. Everything on the news is negative, filled with hate, violence, and greed. “Called” is probably a good word. I just feel that I need to be spending my time on earth helping people and propagating kindness out in to the world. Running is my platform. If we can use social media and our voice to tear each other down, then I know it can be used to build each other up. After all, it is just a tool. Thank you for your prayers and thank you for always supporting me from the very beginning of this crazy journey! Your Friend. Joe

  6. Thanks for your tenacity to share Joe! It’s sharing honest stories/journeys like yours that help inspire and challenge others.
    It’s great to see you pursuing a life that’s meaningful not just for yourself but others too. Sounds very rewarding ?
    I’m inspired to think hard about my own dreams and dare to pursue them. Looking forward to reading more from you

    1. Phillip, thank you for the kind words. I understand that what I do and how I do it isn’t for everyone, but I want to show people that change is possible. My journey started over 4 years ago with a decision, and then a simple action of taking my running shoes with me on a trip. Losing 130 pounds, running a 10k, then a half marathon, and then a full marathon, then ultras, starting the blog, retiring to pursue a dream, and charitable work, etc. all stemmed from that. So that is my advice, don’t think about a year from now, if you want to make a change, make a small one, and then another, and then another… and see where it leads. Right now, I am so happy, and as Rose wrote, I am authoring my own story! I wish you all the best and if I can help, let me know. Peace. Joe

  7. Joe,
    I have no doubts about your future, your passion for this sport is second to none. I think we are a very blessed few who place a higher value on pursuing our dreams over the almighty dollar. We are showing our children that it is indeed okay to take a chance, to strive to be happy, fulfilled and eager to start each new day. I was watching your channel with my middle son a few days ago and he said “you know this guy?”. I assured him I did (he was very impressed), and I went on to tell him just how instrumental you have been in my progress and confidence. Your words of encouragement will stay with me forever. Joe, you were born to do this, period!

    1. Shereen, I truly appreciate the support! I have had the privilege of getting to know you over the past year, and your story is one that truly inspires. I’m not sure how impressed your son should be with me, but his mom is a real live hero! I am proud of you for stepping outside your comfort zone, no matter what happens, you have already won the race! Regards. Joe

  8. Mr runner!
    I have been following ur posts on fitbit I finally read ur bio to get u where u currently are in life.
    I’ve been fortunate to survive 33 years in law enforcement and have raised two children who followed in my footsteps even though my BETTER HALF steered them away.
    I use your bio as a base to reinforce what is important in life and to follow your dreams .
    Thank you.
    (Working in a running store was your true calling)?

    1. Mario, thank you for your time in law enforcement and I’ll pray that your children stay safe while they protect and serve. I am very fortunate that I am in a position to follow my dreams, and I am glad that I can provide little inspiration to you and others. Being happy and having less stress in my life has made me a better husband and father, and helping other people has made me a better person. I am truly grateful and blessed for all of these opportunities! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Peace. Joe

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